What is a Sneaker Cook Group?

by | Apr 19, 2024

In short, a sneaker cook group is a community that provides resellers with guidance and tools to help them purchase and resell sneakers. These groups are typically hosted on private and Discord servers. The best cook groups typically restrict their memberships to keep the group smaller and keep the info exclusive.

What is Sneaker Reselling 1
credit : GQ

What Features Do Sneaker Cook Groups Offer?

  • Release Monitors: These tools continuously monitor sneaker websites and instantly notify members of new drops or restocks, including unexpected shock drops which wont be listed on release calendars.
  • Early Links: These URLs can be added to your sneaker bot tasks, allowing you to set up your bot in advance of a release, saving time and increasing your chances of success.
  • Guides: All cook groups will offer release guides for releases, they will include the retail and resell prices of the product, so you know what to buy, these guides will sometimes include extra info like stock numbers and ways to get the highest chances of copping possible, such as using autofill or apple pay (its very website specific)
  • Sneaker Bot Setup Advice: These tips help you configure your bot for optimal performance, whether you need a faster mode for less secure sites or a more discreet mode for challenging targets. Staff can help you though the bot setup
  • Group Buys: Since top sneaker bots are often sold out, cook groups may offer group purchases, granting members exclusive access to a limited number of bots, proxies, or servers at a discounted rate.
  • Scripts and Tools: Advanced tools available in some Discord cook groups can automate tasks like monitoring bot prices, creating accounts, or generating multiple raffle entries. an example of a great script is pepperscripts
  • Some cook groups extend their offerings to include mobile apps, SMS alerts, funko trading, reshipping services, and even stock trading tips.
sneaker reseller
credit : businessinsider

Are Paid Cook Groups Worth It?

While free cook groups might seem appealing with similar features at no cost, they generally provide a subpar experience with slower updates, limited support, and fewer resources. Most free cook groups wont have sneaker monitors, which is one of the best benefits of joining a paid cook group so if you really want to make money in reselling joining a quality paid cook group is your best bet.

However, there are “beta” cook groups, which are in their initial stages and free as they build a membership base before transitioning to a paid model. These can offer good quality temporarily.

Given the benefits of membership, paid cook groups are often worth the investment for those serious about reselling sneakers.

How do you Join a Discord Cook Group

To find a cook group, you can look at our guides of the best cook groups, we have pages for the US, UK, EU and Australia a lot of the groups we have listed have free trials which make them a great risk free way to start

Like many sneaker bots, positions in private cook groups often sell out quickly. You may need to wait for an open slot or purchase a membership on the secondary market.


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