What is a Sneaker Bot

by | Apr 20, 2024

The Impact of Sneaker Bots on the Footwear Industry

Sneaker bots are automated software programs designed to quickly purchase sneakers and clothing online, especially during limited-edition releases from brands like Jordan, Off-White, Adidas Yeezy, and more. Once purchased, these items are often resold on secondary markets like StockX at higher prices. Despite the challenges they pose, sneaker bots are tough for brands to combat effectively due to their adaptability and the difficulty in tracing them.

How Sneaker Bots Work

Sneaker bots are not easy to setup, they require expert operation to bypass various security measures like CAPTCHAs. There are several types of bots, some can work on multiple sites, like AIOBOT which works on over 100 sites, others can be site specific, like USNKRS, a bot that was just used for nike (before it shut down) and some can even sneaker raffles like END Raffles and Size? Launches a massive amount of times making it difficult for manual users to win.

sneaker bot
credit : highsnobiety

The Role of Proxies in Sneaker Bots

To avoid detection, sneaker bots use proxies that hide the user’s IP address. There are two main types of proxies:

Residential Proxies: These mask the user’s home IP with ar residential address, making bot traffic appear as any other regular user.

Datacenter Proxies: These connect users to remote servers used by multiple people simultaneously, these proxies are not as good as residential proxies and can be more easily blocked by websites.

Challenges Posed by Sneaker Bots

Sneaker bots have a significant impact on the industry and consumers. By sending hundreds to thousands of requests per release, they reduce the chances of manual buyers securing sneakers at retail prices, an example of this is the Trophy Room Jordan 1 release, which was very difficult to buy without a bot. This forces sneakerheads to pay resale prices on secondary markets like Stockx

sneaker bots getting shoes
credit : businessinsider


While sneaker bots enable some to profit from the resale market, they complicate the purchasing process for average consumers and pose operational challenges for brands. As the sneaker industry continues to grow, both brands and tech developers will likely continue to innovate in an ongoing battle between bot evasion and detection. This dynamic underscores a critical tension in digital commerce, balancing accessibility with exclusivity.


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